Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New blog

Sorry if you have been checking this blog -
I have a new blog so will no longer be using this one - please keep up to date on the happenings of my little family now from:

Monday, May 23, 2011

some more pictures from the weekend

Lifestyle Photography Homework Week 1

I wanted to try this again this evening but again my life has gotten in the way and it looks like I will have to use my images from this weekend instead - I was unhappy with some of the detail shots being a little bit blurry. - perhaps that is because i went a little aperture happy with my new prime lens and had my aperture set to 1.4 - do you take most of your pictures at 2.8 Brooke?
I chose my daughter coloring as an example of a series of images showing conflict. My shot list included close ups of the crayons, her little feet or hands, my parents OLD dog watching her color - and then the determination on her little face.

this picture is really more for my parents - he is about 150 and I swear has 9 lives, but he was content watching my daughter color and she really LOVES him!

and now for the main character -

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

spring has sprung

what a beautiful night - i have been waiting for this weather for a long time...and it's here and we are not missing a moment of it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

a few more shots

I took these for a photography assignment for a class I'm taking -

wasn't a big fan of the fur - maybe she's a future member of PETA?

a few images from the weekend

mother's day brunch - emmy insisted on carrying around her purse - (paula's glasses case) - she now must have a "purse" everytime we go into a store - today when she woke up her first words to me were - HI Jody! Can we go to target?

after her nap emmy ventured outside in a bright skirt and orange shoes with no socks - but then the sun went in a cloud and she ran back inside to dress more appropriately - mittens and rain boots of course.

it was a great weekend - lots of sunshine and getting to be outside.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

a dadda and his daughter

is there anything sweeter than a daddy and his daughter -

the sun came out and we hit the beach - it was a nice evening....finally.