Well I had an unexpected Doctor's visit yesterday due to just being in pain....this baby is trying to escape through my belly button I'm thinking. It has been so sensitive and painful that I finally just went in to see if there was anything they could do to get her to move. She has her hard little butt pressed up against my belly button and it is now so sensitive I cant stand it! But of course, there is nothing they can do but just wait it out. :( Yes, I'm a wimp. But the good news is that she is already head down and really low. My doctor can feel her head already which is gross and crazy but exciting. My cervix I guess is really thinning (yes, I am now waddling) so hopefully she wont wait until August 21st to make her first appearance! She had a growth spurt and is now measuring right where she should be. She is super active and getting very uncomfortable. This heat and humidity sure dont help!!! 32 weeks tomorrow! :)