Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Busy Girl

Well since I last posted Emmy was busy having her first Christmas. She got a ton of great toys and clothes - very spoiled girl and she was SO Good!!

We decided to give her a little rice cereal to try as she has been really showing interest in food and getting crabby when she watched us eat. (oh and prunes) She looooves to eat and is such a good eater! She's getting so big! Yesterday we went to visit her cousins - they are so much fun. I will post some pics and try to post a video or 2 later - Brad got me a video camera and I love it!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

4 month check-up

Emmy had her 4 month check-up today. Brad took her and I had to miss because of an appointment. :( But the doctor said she looks perfect. She is 24 inches long- 38th%, weighs 14.38 lbs-66th percentile and got 3 shots. Poor baby but took them like a champ. She was talking up a storm when I got home. I really need to get a video camera so I can upload videos. She has become very chatty and is now giggling.
Daddy daycare is going very well. She loves getting read too and loves her bouncer. She also loves to take her naps with daddy too...She has us wrapped around her little fingers!
As for mornings with mommy- for the last week they have been starting up at about 4:30- makes for a long day. I love it though because she is SO happy at this time of day...but all I want for Christmas is a loooong nap:)

doc said i can start on solid foods now...well maybe not cookies but rice cereal...yum!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Such a big girl....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finally some smiles!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Almost 4 months....

Look how big she's getting. She sat in her high chair just for a moment - it was funny. She sucked on the tray - good thing it was clean!
We are closing in on 4 months. Just thought we'd share some photos.
(No wonder she wont sleep anywhere but in someone's arms...we've created a monster!)