Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fighting the fight

Against poop that is...Emmy continues to have issues with her digestive tract and so I had to step in yet again and administer another suppository. :( it had been 9 days. Well that helped her out but she is still pretty grouchy - she had to pick a weekend when Brad was gone and it was just me...oh well, good thing she's a cutie! We thought maybe she was teething but I dont feel anything. At least she gives me a break with her naps, she is sleeping really well in her crib now which makes a HUGE difference! Hope everyone stays safe with all this ice on the roads! OH- and I forgot to mention, she rolled over for the first time Thursday - I'm still trying to capture it on video. When she does it, it's super FAST!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

am i a bad mom?

i was about to enjoy a twizzler but emmy didnt like that i wasnt sharing...and stole it out of my hand only to immediately stick it in her mouth....and boy did she like it... it was pretty funny but i just didnt have the heart to take it away from her at first. i hope she didnt suck too much sugar. but it was pretty cute! guess i cant eat like that in front of her anymore! it's not so easy to steal candy from a baby afterall...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy 5 Months Emerson!

Today Emmy is 5 Months old! Boy time has flown!! She is napping like a champ- yesterday she took two 1 1/2 naps for me!! And we no longer have a pooping problem. She hadn't pooped for 7 days! Poor girl! So the doctor finally told me to give her a suppository - uugh. You would do anything for your babies - well that made her go ....a lot!! And all is right in her world again. No more rice cereal! I guess that really consitpates breast fed babies! So we will stick to the pears, prunes and sweet potatoes for now. She loves to eat so much!

And she wanted to wish her Grandpa a happy birthday but we had her own problems last night with the pooping! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Emmy visited her cousins Saturday - She thought her little cousin Claire who is 9 months was hysterical - pardon my video skills, I was holding Emmy but trying to tape her at the same time -I just wanted to get her giggling...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's a Miracle!

Well due to Brad's hard work Monday - our little girl is a crib napper now! :) She only cries for about 2 minutes when we lay her down and then goes to sleep! Hooray. But we have discovered she is really only a cat napper - most naps are only about 30 minutes. But she wakes up happy and then is tired again in about an hour and a half. We are just so happy she is napping in her crib...now we have to work on nights but I feel like this will be easier now since she has finally taught herself to soothe herself and fall asleep on her own....

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Well, I am vowing to get Emmy to sleep in her crib - or at least by herself. She hasn't napped at all for Brad today and when I'm sitting at work all I can think about is that my little girl is screaming and is overly tired....so I am going to read a new book and really try to follow it to the letter. She needs to sleep so that I can stay up past 7pm :) and so her sitters and dad can get a break in the day! I just hate to see her cry and the crying it out method just doesnt seem to work. She only cries harder the longer you leave her and I end up crying!
But otherwise she is still perfect, adorable and growing so fast! She loves to hold wooden spoons and takes great naps in the car....and she loves being sung too - especially if you are happy and you know it. That always puts a smile on her face!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Emmy rang in the new year with her best friend Hannah- here are some cute pictures!