Friday, April 30, 2010

Sick baby...Sick Momma

Emmy's ear infection is back. Kill me now. And I'm feeling pretty worn out and sick myself. We have another doctor's appointment this morning. I guess the new mediciation isnt working because she was up all night pulling on her ear and complaning. Poor baby!
We just cant win. I have an appointment on Monday with a chiropractor with her - I'm about ready to try anything and numerous mother's swear that this is the answer to getting rid of ear infections. Brad isnt too excited I'm taking her to a voodoo doctor, as he calls it. But I just want her to feel better!
Here are some pics from happier days!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another ear infection...hooray?!

Emmy was tugging on one ear so I decided to take her in AGAIN on Friday - yep another ear infection. But the good news is we got a completely different medicine and it's working wonders!!! She is sleeping better than she has EVER slept. Only now getting up about 3 times a night and that is only for a few minutes, nothing like before! I am still waking up constantly because I think my body is used to that after 8 months, but hopefully soon we will all be sleeping much better. I know Brad is, we can all hear his snores all night long! :)
Yesterday Daddy watched Emmy all day long while I ran a 10K. I learned 1. I'm out of shape, 2. I cant run without music and 3. running in the rain isnt as fun as I remember it being but nonetheless I finished and am a little sore today. I had to laugh when I got home because it looked like a tornado hit the house and then a pack of hippos had come running through, but ahh, my baby was happy and Brad still had a smile on his face so it was a successful day.
Emmy is pulling herself up now so I posted some pics below...I feel so lucky to have her as my daughter. Especially now that she is starting to really feel better, her personality is really coming out. She loves to laugh!
pulling herself up

whoa, a little wobbly

oops fell down

Friday, April 23, 2010

Feeling better

Emerson is back to herself except for a little cough still at night and a runny nose but is much better. She is starting to get her appetite back thank goodness - dont want her to lose any of those lovely rolls yet! I bought her a little swing and she loves it. Daddy pushes her every evening when he gets home from work...

Monday, April 19, 2010


Emerson has a bit of a cold, runny nose - sneezing, coughing. Cant tell if it's that or maybe allergies?? But it has been keeping her up at night, no fun! it's always something - we thought it was maybe her ears again but doesnt seem to be thank goodness!

She had a good day at daycare though. We think she is going to skip crawling and move to walking. She'll take steps if you hold her up and she has started to scoot a little on her butt - which is what I did as a baby. (I never crawled either)

These are some pictures from the weekend. Her and Winston are really becoming pals

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

8 Months Today

Wow, time is flying by! Emmy is 8 Months today. She is sooo fun and I'm just loving being her mom. Her newest thing is clapping. Boy does she love to clap! It's becoming really hard to get her to go to bed at night because she is so busy clapping. Last night she was also hiccuping and she thought this was hilarious. Every time she would hiccup she would bust out laughing. I love that she finds herself so funny.
She is also getting her first tooth so that has woken her up a few times at night - but she is now feeding herself the Gerber melt in your mouth snacks and just thinks she is so smart! Well, she is!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well we had a great and busy Easter. I got to see my nieces, we had an Easter egg hunt and Emmy got to see so much family! It was fun, here are a few pictures from the day. Winston didn't really appreciate the ears

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pictures are finally done!

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Have fun