Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sea World

brad surprised emmy and me with a trip to Sea World last week - so out of character for him - but so fun. emmy was an angel the entire trip and took naps, and slept at night like a champ. we got numerous comments from people on the plane about what a good traveler she was - i think she knew if she wasnt a good girl her daddy might never do something like this again. it was a lot of fun!
she was pretty awe struck in all of the aquariums.

waiting for the dolphin show. she did pretty good for the first 10 minutes but then was ready to move on.

it was a little cold and rainy, but she never complained.

the shamu show - this was her favorite.

tuckered out

Monday, December 13, 2010

baby with the rock and roll hair

my little niece anna used to say her sister claire was the baby with the rock and roll hair - well i think emmy was deserving of that title sunday morning -
love her style she was sporting

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

who needs a baby when you have a remote

i have a unique child - today she wanted to push the remote control around and so she did. for about a half hour. and when she was done she tried to throw it in the toilet but luckily I was there to stop her. she makes me laugh everyday.

her new thing is standing up and putting her arms up as if to say, Look NO Hands! and she waits for us to clap and say hooray and make a big deal out of it and then she claps for herself and looks very proud. and then she sits down. now if only we could get her to take some steps with no hands!