Well we gave it our best shot but she just wont move to the head down position. She is just too comfortable and I dont think I could have taken much more of the trying! soooo....we have officially scheduled a c-section for August 14th in the early morning. Now I just have to sit and wait. Otherwise everything still looks really good with her. I do have an appt next Friday the 7th and then the big day the following week. 15 days to go!
Brad just put together our rocking chair - we are pretty much ready to go. I cant believe we only have 2 weeks left!
Well, appointment left me bruised and tired, so I'm off for a nap. Thanks for checking in!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
36 week appointment...
Well I had my ultrasound today....bad news - Emmy is now breech. All along I thought I was patting her butt and it was actually her head... so I am getting scheduled for a procedure next week to try to turn her around. My doctor said it's has a 60% success rate so hopefully that works or she will turn on her own. Not really looking forward to a c-section. So next week I get a shot to relax my uterus and then they try to turn her. Then they have to monitor her heartrate for an hour after that to make sure she's okay. There is a chance it could put me into labor but my doc wasnt worried as the clinic is connected to the hospital. If that doesnt work I'm going in for a c-section August 14th. (39 weeks)
The good news is she looks healthy and I got to see her face. She's starting to look a little chubbier and looks like a real baby now. She is only in the 28th percentile now so she's going to be a peanut. She is estimated at 5lbs 11oz right now but that can be off by up to 2lbs either way...
So fingers crossed - she will turn by next week but otherwise my next appointment is getting scheduled today and I'm going in for another ultra sound and then the procedure. I hope it works!! OH- and she's still a girl :)
The good news is she looks healthy and I got to see her face. She's starting to look a little chubbier and looks like a real baby now. She is only in the 28th percentile now so she's going to be a peanut. She is estimated at 5lbs 11oz right now but that can be off by up to 2lbs either way...
So fingers crossed - she will turn by next week but otherwise my next appointment is getting scheduled today and I'm going in for another ultra sound and then the procedure. I hope it works!! OH- and she's still a girl :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
35 Weeks!!!
Well everything looks great. My blood pressure was great, Emmy was VERY active and her heart rate was up quite a bit actually, 163! My tummy was measuring about 4 cm smaller than it did 3 weeks ago which scared me but my Dr. said it was because the baby has dropped. So that in itself is kind of scary that I'm getting closer! She scheduled an ultrasound for next week to make sure the baby was positioned correctly for delivery but we are pretty sure she is as she has her butt stuck out right below by belly button. She has a hard bony butt!
I'm 2cm dialated now. Feeling A LOT of pressure and definitely waddling. I was told not to travel any further than 45 minutes from the hospital now. And I have started having a few sporadic contractions - not Braxton hicks anymore because these one's are quite painful....so it looks like I"m getting closer. Very excited but getting very nervous! Hopefully she stays in for at least 2 more weeks! I think I'm going to take it easy from here on out.
Next appointment is next Friday the 24th where I get to see my little girl again....hopefully she is still a girl! :)
I'm 2cm dialated now. Feeling A LOT of pressure and definitely waddling. I was told not to travel any further than 45 minutes from the hospital now. And I have started having a few sporadic contractions - not Braxton hicks anymore because these one's are quite painful....so it looks like I"m getting closer. Very excited but getting very nervous! Hopefully she stays in for at least 2 more weeks! I think I'm going to take it easy from here on out.
Next appointment is next Friday the 24th where I get to see my little girl again....hopefully she is still a girl! :)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
One Year Anniversary!
Wow, has time flown! We were on a boat ride with Ron & Paula lastnight and were reminded that a year ago we were all on a pontoon ride in Brainerd preparing for the big wedding weekend! A lot has happened in a year and I'm feeling very blessed. I have a wonderful husband who I adore and am looking forward to many more happy years to come. And in 6 short weeks we will be welcoming our new daughter - Emmy.
I'm still feeling pretty good. Just more tired, have to take naps again. This weekend Brad and I are buying the blinds for her room and finally her mattress! Hooray, she will have somewhere to sleep! We are getting very excited and anxious and I expect the next 6 weeks to go by very slowly.
Here's some pictures of our wedding one year ago....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
33 week Dr visit
Quick update - everything is going great! Emmy had the hiccups when we were listening to her heart beat so that was pretty cute. Heartbeat was strong and steady and she is growing right on schedule. Not much to report - it was a quick visit. My next one is July 17th, I'll be 35 weeks and after that I will start meeting weekly. Only 7 weeks to go! :)
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