Friday, July 24, 2009

36 week appointment...

Well I had my ultrasound today....bad news - Emmy is now breech. All along I thought I was patting her butt and it was actually her head... so I am getting scheduled for a procedure next week to try to turn her around. My doctor said it's has a 60% success rate so hopefully that works or she will turn on her own. Not really looking forward to a c-section. So next week I get a shot to relax my uterus and then they try to turn her. Then they have to monitor her heartrate for an hour after that to make sure she's okay. There is a chance it could put me into labor but my doc wasnt worried as the clinic is connected to the hospital. If that doesnt work I'm going in for a c-section August 14th. (39 weeks)
The good news is she looks healthy and I got to see her face. She's starting to look a little chubbier and looks like a real baby now. She is only in the 28th percentile now so she's going to be a peanut. She is estimated at 5lbs 11oz right now but that can be off by up to 2lbs either way...
So fingers crossed - she will turn by next week but otherwise my next appointment is getting scheduled today and I'm going in for another ultra sound and then the procedure. I hope it works!! OH- and she's still a girl :)

1 comment:

  1. I love following your blog. Good luck with everything! I can't wait to see pictures of your daughter and hear all the details of how it went. I love baby stories so if you need someone to brag to, let me know ;) Take care of yourself! Big hugs!
