Thursday, October 29, 2009

A few more payments and you'll be ours....

Ha, that is what daddy said tonight. Funny, I wonder what would happen if we didnt pay the medical bills. I doubt the bank would come to reposses her? :) Tonight she had a little breakdown at the Markell's. I think she gets overtired and has too much stimulation and starts screaming for awhile. Now she doesnt want to go to bed and is watching baseball with daddy. But hopefullyl she will sleep soon. We are having a lot of fun with her and she is doing very well. Smiling more and using more sounds. So fun to watch her growing.
I'll post her with her Halloween costume soon!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Back to her Normal Self

Well Emmy is finally back to herself after her shots Monday. Tuesday she slept all day and Wednesday she screamed all day. I think her legs were bothering her where she got the 3 shots. So we got her some baby tylenol which helped a little but thank goodness Thursday and today she has been back to her normal temperment, smiling and taking lots of naps. She misses daddy though and cant wait to see him Monday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2 Month Check-up and Meeting Grandpa

Emmy had her 2 month check up on Monday. All is well -
She is now 22 inches long - she grew 2 inches since birth. That is in the 33 percentile for height.
She weights 11.06 pounds which is in the 59 percentile and she got 3 shots and an oral vaccine. Poor baby. She had huge crocodile tears running down her face. She slept the rest of the day and then yesterday you could tell her little legs were very very sore. Today she has been pooping like nuts since about 3am we have had 5 blowouts!! I guess the shots can also do that. So I'm hoping we are through the worst of it!

Yesterday we met my dad for lunch. He is home from Iraq for 2 weeks and then will be back for good in February. He finally got to meet his 2 new granddaughters -Emmy and Claire. He thinks they are adorable and we are going to see him again on Thursday. Poor Anna had a breakdown because her chicken nugget was too hot so she had to put herself in timeout. Too funny - I have never met a kid who will put herself in timeout and tell you when she is ready to come out! It was fun to see everyone.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

K-Girl Hat

We came home last week to find an adorable little white bear hat on our chair....Where did it come from? We later found out it was K-Girl (Kathy Anderson). She knew it was getting cold and wanted to make sure Emmy had a warm hat to wear. Thank you!! Pictures below...we will take some better ones once she grows into it a little more.

Emmy is doing great. Getting very smiley and starting to talk a little bit. She even said "ick" when we tried to give her formula once. She wouldn't take it. She has her 2 month check-up on Monday. Can't believe it's been that long already!