Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2 Month Check-up and Meeting Grandpa

Emmy had her 2 month check up on Monday. All is well -
She is now 22 inches long - she grew 2 inches since birth. That is in the 33 percentile for height.
She weights 11.06 pounds which is in the 59 percentile and she got 3 shots and an oral vaccine. Poor baby. She had huge crocodile tears running down her face. She slept the rest of the day and then yesterday you could tell her little legs were very very sore. Today she has been pooping like nuts since about 3am we have had 5 blowouts!! I guess the shots can also do that. So I'm hoping we are through the worst of it!

Yesterday we met my dad for lunch. He is home from Iraq for 2 weeks and then will be back for good in February. He finally got to meet his 2 new granddaughters -Emmy and Claire. He thinks they are adorable and we are going to see him again on Thursday. Poor Anna had a breakdown because her chicken nugget was too hot so she had to put herself in timeout. Too funny - I have never met a kid who will put herself in timeout and tell you when she is ready to come out! It was fun to see everyone.

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