Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sea World

brad surprised emmy and me with a trip to Sea World last week - so out of character for him - but so fun. emmy was an angel the entire trip and took naps, and slept at night like a champ. we got numerous comments from people on the plane about what a good traveler she was - i think she knew if she wasnt a good girl her daddy might never do something like this again. it was a lot of fun!
she was pretty awe struck in all of the aquariums.

waiting for the dolphin show. she did pretty good for the first 10 minutes but then was ready to move on.

it was a little cold and rainy, but she never complained.

the shamu show - this was her favorite.

tuckered out

Monday, December 13, 2010

baby with the rock and roll hair

my little niece anna used to say her sister claire was the baby with the rock and roll hair - well i think emmy was deserving of that title sunday morning -
love her style she was sporting

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

who needs a baby when you have a remote

i have a unique child - today she wanted to push the remote control around and so she did. for about a half hour. and when she was done she tried to throw it in the toilet but luckily I was there to stop her. she makes me laugh everyday.

her new thing is standing up and putting her arms up as if to say, Look NO Hands! and she waits for us to clap and say hooray and make a big deal out of it and then she claps for herself and looks very proud. and then she sits down. now if only we could get her to take some steps with no hands!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

suprises me every day

just a quick note tonight - my child is not walking yet...but she did poop twice in the potty at daycare today. she crawled to the potty and said up. then grunted and wha la! then she was taken off but did more (with her hands the way we taught her) got back on and did it again! she clearly is advanced in some areas....while very cautious and taking her time in others.
she has also dropped her morning nap officially and has begun taking a 3 HOUR long afternoon nap. we are struggling a bit at bedtime. she stayed up until 8:15pm Monday night but was overtired and screamed when I tried to lay her down and was up at 4:45am. Tonight we got her to bed at 7 so hopefully it' s a better night and a later morning. she is growing up so so fast. these days her biggest complaint and frustration is trying to tell us what she wants without having the words. we are constantly pointing and asking her if "this" is what she wants which she replies to with a no and shake of her head. looking forward to her vocabulary growing. right now anything with fur is a puppy but at least she can tell me when shes hungry - "num num" and tired "night night". i'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. i have been very very bad at taking them lately

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the trifecta

the savage household has been literally hanging on by a thread this week - emmy got hit by a major cold, runny nose, coughing the whole 9 yards, and then another tooth decided it was time to join the party, but not just any tooth, a molar. major pain. and to top it all off - let's throw in daylight savings. good stuff.
soooo.... it's been a struggle to lay in bed past 4am this week - actually today i did get to sleep until 4am which was really nice. it's almost like having an infant again - up every hour - but i think we are past the major teething pain so phew! yesterday she was inconsolable from about 3:15 until 7:45 when i finally gave up, put her in my bed with her breakfast and turned on baby einstein. it was the only way to get her to eat anything. this was after an attempt in the highchair proved dangerous to my health - but i have to say emmy does have a good throwing arm and spot on aim. my poor baby. i hate to see her under the weather. but the good news is brad is home from his hunting trip and tonight is his last night flying so maybe just maybe we can both get some sleep???

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

the eve of halloween

busy day - swimming lessons in the morning went very well - emmy put her head under water for the first time and was happy the whole lesson. so proud of her. then we headed to our 3rd and final photo session. i'm not sure who was more unhappy about that, her or her daddy. i have such photogenic family members who hate pictures. it's a shame.... so after she froze her tookish off for the sake of a great shot it was back home where ron and paula offered to take her for the whole night! hooray, i'm almost ready to crawl into bed now and get like 15 hours. that sounds like heaven. i've been so tired and i know her daddy will love to get a full night before heading off flying again 4 nights in a row. last week was especially hard with the bad weather and flight delays.
tomorrow is halloween and i'll try to post pictures of her with her costume on, from ron and paula. i've been bad about blogging but have been so so busy with work that it's all i can do just to keep up on the housework these days.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

almost November already!

October is flying by - we had 2 baby shower's- emmy started swim lessons, brad is super busy winterizing boats and i'm finally digging myself out of my emails. this new job is keeping me very busy - here are a few pictures of emerson and her swim lessons.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

busy busy

we have been very busy around here and sorry i havent blogged in awhile for the few of you that read this!
last weekend i had a baby shower for a good friend Melissa and this weekend we are throwing a baby shower for bob and lyndsey at our house. besides that i have been finishing the basement and brad has been finishing the garage. i cant wait! we will have so much more space when they are done!
work we had a reorg so i am getting used to a new job and still doing my old job. and last night and this morning my sisters and mom were up and we took a knitting class - fun times. it was a lot of fun but we'll see how far i can go with it. it took awhile for me to catch on!
emmy has gotten one more tooth and is working on another at the moment but these dont seem to be quiet as painful as the last ones! thank goodness. she is sleeping pretty well usually only getting up once a night. so we have a lot going on around here and i am anxious for the weekend to be over so i can maybe take a breath!
here are some recent pics of my baby!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

melt my heart

for the last few nights emmy has been so sweet - she lays in bed with us and drinks her bottle and cuddles while daddy watches the office. she gives him kisses and pokes me in the nose and then when she's tired she tells us night night. so i pick her up and put her in her crib where she gives me a kiss and says night night again.. then she rolls over and closes her eyes. i come back to our room and brad and i turn on the monitor and listen to her sing herself to sleep - she usually just hums or sings night night over and over until she's out. so sweet. makes my heart melt. she's been soo good and has been sleeping really well. we have the best little girl...
she's learned a few new words at daycare - she now says pretty but says peety instead...and she likes to say no no jake. (jake is a little boy at daycare :)) and of course she points at everything and says what's that so then you tell her. she loves that. this morning we got up and she came into bed with me to watch the morning news and she said over and over dadda dadda and looked under the pillows on his side of the bed looking for him. he was flying but it was so sweet that emmy wanted to say good morning to her daddy. it's so much fun watching her grow up - she now loves to dance. still isnt walking - is very cautious but yesterday after our walk she pushed her bike around the yard for a good hour happy as can be. here are some pictures of her recently...

Monday, September 27, 2010


sorry i didnt post at all lately - it took me a week to get back into the swing of things - here are some of my favorite pictures from our trip - w had tons of fun but really really missed our little daughter. here is a picture of her and daddy when we picked her up from ron and paula's - she had so much fun over there and i dont think she missed us one bit! but that's good! :)

our favorite italian by far - andre' he was delightful!

the gelato was amazing!

i have a handsome husband