Tuesday, November 23, 2010

suprises me every day

just a quick note tonight - my child is not walking yet...but she did poop twice in the potty at daycare today. she crawled to the potty and said up. then grunted and wha la! then she was taken off but did more (with her hands the way we taught her) got back on and did it again! she clearly is advanced in some areas....while very cautious and taking her time in others.
she has also dropped her morning nap officially and has begun taking a 3 HOUR long afternoon nap. we are struggling a bit at bedtime. she stayed up until 8:15pm Monday night but was overtired and screamed when I tried to lay her down and was up at 4:45am. Tonight we got her to bed at 7 so hopefully it' s a better night and a later morning. she is growing up so so fast. these days her biggest complaint and frustration is trying to tell us what she wants without having the words. we are constantly pointing and asking her if "this" is what she wants which she replies to with a no and shake of her head. looking forward to her vocabulary growing. right now anything with fur is a puppy but at least she can tell me when shes hungry - "num num" and tired "night night". i'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. i have been very very bad at taking them lately

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