Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yesterday the cousins came for a visit - it was fun to see them. Claire looks so big- she is crawling all over. Anna and her are sooo opposite! Claire is a little bruiser and Anna is very girly and dainty. She had a runny nose and kept asking for a tissue. She is so funny. Little Hannie came over too to see the crazy cousins. I think she was a little shocked! Claire likes to scream and I'm not sure Hannah knew what to think of that! My favorite part is that when Emmy threw up on her pants, and so I just took them off, Anna decided she was going to take off her pants too! And then you have little Hannie looking like absolute perfection in an adorable red cardigan with a little white ruffled button up and cute jeans on!

Brad made salmon on the grill on the cedar board - it was very good!

Emmy is doing pretty well but we are having a heck of a time getting her to take her medicine! But we had a better night. Today we have dinner at the Markell's. It's nice to have such great neighbors! We are meeting our neighbors that live next door as the husband leaves for his second tour of duty on Tuesday. Then I think we have to go get a new carseat and a little stroller for Mexico!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

On to the next problem

poor emmy - now she has a double ear infection. I kind of thought something was up, she was not eating much but when she started tugging at her ears I had a pretty good idea. brad took her in today and she has an ear infection in both ears. :( such a trooper though, hasn't cried too much, just not sleeping as well and not eating so hopefully the antibiotics make her feel better very very soon! i'm sure she is tired of not feeling well!
i'll post a video of her "fake coughing" later - well at least i thought it was fake coughing?? right now i'm sitting in the driveway in brad's truck. she fell asleep on the way home from the doctor's and i didnt want to wake her up - she needs her sleep and i get an internet connection in here so i'm just working away.
mexico on wednesday! the doctor said emmy should be just fine by then, thank goodness we caught this today!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Still sick. Yuck

Emmy had her 6 month check-up yesterday. She got 3 shots :( and we have to go back in a month for 2 more...She had to get her flu shot so that's why we have to go back - to get the booster. And since she was getting the flu shot I waited on the Hep B so we didnt have to poke her 4 times. I hate seeing her get shots. So sad. And on top of that she is sick. Poor girl is so stuffed up and she hates me cleaning out her nose but she cant breathe, and cant drink from the bottle because she cant breathe. I was going to bring her in to daycare today but she was up at 4 screaming and is just now calm enough for me to set her down (it's about 9am) so I am staying home with her....and I'm sick now too.. I feel horrible so I can only imagine how she feels. poor little girl... I hope we are both feeling better by next week when we leave for Mexico!

The Doc checked all her measurements and she is looking good. 17 lbs 5 oz - 75% percentile
and she is 26 1/2 inches long which is the 72% percentile...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First birthday party...first cold...

It was a tough night. Emmy has gotten her first cold - poor baby cant breathe and has such a runny nose. She was up most of the night and she HATES it when I get that little bulb thing out to try and help her nose out. Hopefully she starts feeling better. We went to Hannah's 2nd birthday party for a little while but she was pretty miserable and tired so Her and I left and went to bed.
But she was pretty excited about wearing shoes. Kept touching them and trying to put them in her mouth.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Takes after her daddy

I dont have a beer very often but it was an especially long work day so I opened one up and of course Emmy immediately wanted it and stuck it in her mouth.
She takes after her daddy.

Let's hope this isnt telling of what is to come.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Doing well

Emmy had a good day yesterday at Carol's - we have both gotten her to start napping in the crib again and the medicine for the acid reflux and me being off dairy seem to be making a difference...however Carol thinks she may be cutting a tooth and gasp...she is slightly spoiled! HA! No way!! She said she will scream at her when she sets her down but as soon as she picks her up she stops. Hmmm....and she is becoming quite the little attention seeker. She now fake coughs at me until I tell her she must have such a bad cold and pick her up and then she laughs like she fooled me. She also loves to smile for the camera when she sees it come out and loves to look at herself in the mirror. Well she is pretty darn cute so I cant blame her!
We have also noticed she likes little girls much more than little boys - little girls she will laugh and laugh at but the boys she ignores. I'm okay with that!
She is sitting up very well on her own but still is being pretty lazy about rolling over or doing much else - but why should she when we pretty much carry her whenever she makes a peep. Sounds like she has us wrapped around her little finger!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy 6 Months

Today Emmy turned 6 months old. Yesterday we celebrated Christmas with my dad and his family - he just got back from Iraq thank goodness. Emmy had a pretty rough time there as she missed some naps and I think was overwhelmed with all of excitement but she fell asleep on the way home and took a long nap. Then today my mom came up to see her and she played and fell asleep in her it's back to work and in about 2 weeks we are off to Mexico! Hooray!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mommy is going to struggle with this one

Well we are back from the Doc and the verdict is....we think Emmy is lactose that is pretty much a death sentence for me. No dairy. No ice cream... no cheese :( I am going to struggle but if it means I dont get woken up at 4am from my little baby screaming in pain, I will follow this to a T!
We are going to test this for 2 weeks, I guess it takes about that long to get it all out of both of our systems but we should gradually start seeing an improvement. We are also now giving her medicine for acid reflux because she cant sleep when she's laid flat so Doc thought she also may have a little of that going on.
We are hoping this all goes away at about a year as most babies grow out of it...but until then, I will be in my own little personal battle.

Join Team Savage

Emmy and I are very much looking forward to Spring and with that the nice weather and getting out and walking again...if you are up to it or looking for a great walk to enjoy with great people - Join Team Savage and fight MS with the MS walk May 2nd. It's a great cause, great walk and I'm sure will be a GREAT time!


Well we recently got back from Lutsen. Emmy was so good on the car rides and while there. She played with Cameron, well they kind of played - they just looked at each other for the most part. :) Brad got in a lot of skiing and I got to hang out with the girls. And I took a lot of naps! Emmy has been getting up between 4 and 5 for about the last 3 weeks now and it's starting to wear on me even though I have been trying to go to bed early. We also stopped in Duluth and saw Auntie Alicia and Uncle Dennis. Dennis made us my favorite authentic Korean dish- Bulgoga. I loooooove it!!!

So we got back Monday to find pink nail polish all over the seems our dog is much more talented than I ever realized. He not only is able to reach into top bathoom cabinets to get it down, he also can unscrew tops and without thumbs mind you, paint his nails! But in the process he also painted the floor, the rug, the carpet and a pillow on the couch....somehow I think he didnt do this alone and I'm leaning towards another male who's name starts with M and ends with elander....

Today we are taking Emmy to the doctor. Her tummy troubles are getting worse and she goes from really happy to crying out in pain. We have an abdomen xray scheduled so we can hopefully get to the bottom of this. She still isnt regular and now I think she may also have acid reflux but I cannot stand to see her in pain anymore!

On a positive note Emmy can now sit up by herself for quite a long time and talks more than ever. It is so much fun to be her mom!

This weekend she gets to see her Grandpa Nelson who just got back from Iraq. She hasn't seen him since she was about 2 months old. And she gets to see the other Grandma Spreiter and of course Grandma and Grandpa Savage - it's been over a week so she misses them too!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

day 2

Day 2 went very well. She took a 2 hour nap!!! She fell asleep in a swing in the middle of the kitchen while Carol was preparing lunch! She must have been tired!
And she's back on vegetables. LOOOOVES them! She ate a whole jar of sweet potatoes and after that pooped 3 times! Lucky Brad got to change the 3rd and worst!
Heading to Duluth tomorrow to see Auntie Alicia and Uncle Dennis with stops in Hinckley to have lunch with Uncle Scott and then stopping at Wells Fargo in Duluth so Alicia can show her off. Looking forward to the weekend.
Here is a video from this morning. Up at 4:52am and could not get her to go back for a nap before I dropped her off at 8. Hope she wasnt crabby for Carol but she was in quite a good mood all morning with me! Can't wait to pick her up! Miss her!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lots of updates

Well to start - we have been having lots of pooping issues for the last 3 weeks. I had to give her suppositories to make her go, not fun and she was so uncomfortable. Finally we had to give her some laxatives in her bottle - and she finally went on her own twice yesterday. We are hoping that she is now back on track! No more cereal for her but we are going to start her on vegetables again here soon. That shouldn't block her so here's too hoping!

Today was her first real day of daycare and she did well!!! This morning I guess she was fussy -maybe because it was a strange place but she took a long nap and after that was fine. She thinks the little girl Ava that is also there (she is about 4) is hilarious! She was laughing at her all day and laughing when I went to pick her up. Carol (our daycare lady) also thinks she may have acid reflux. I know nothing as a new mom! She was timing her after she eats and when she gets fussy and also when she lays her down for naps how she fusses a lot and thinks it's because she's having a little pain and her tummy is bothering her too. So I am going to ask the Doctor at her 6 month appointment. I hate for her to be uncomfortable and if this is why she wakes up all the time when she's sleeping, this could be a great discovery! I would LOVE for her to sleep longer for naps and at night!!!!

She has been waking up at about 4:15am for the last 4 mornings but she finally slept until 5:45 this morning. I felt so refreshed!!! :)
But all is well. She's in a great mood today and goes back tomorrow for a short day - I'm working from home but we committed to 3 days a week so I will bring her in for a bit. Carol also said it's hard to get them on any sort of a schedule if they dont go at least 3 days....

Heading to Lutsen for the weekend for Emmy's first ski trip. She will be spending the weekend with Cameron Stockeness (8 months) and Maria! FUN