Yesterday the cousins came for a visit - it was fun to see them. Claire looks so big- she is crawling all over. Anna and her are sooo opposite! Claire is a little bruiser and Anna is very girly and dainty. She had a runny nose and kept asking for a tissue. She is so funny. Little Hannie came over too to see the crazy cousins. I think she was a little shocked! Claire likes to scream and I'm not sure Hannah knew what to think of that! My favorite part is that when Emmy threw up on her pants, and so I just took them off, Anna decided she was going to take off her pants too! And then you have little Hannie looking like absolute perfection in an adorable red cardigan with a little white ruffled button up and cute jeans on!
Brad made salmon on the grill on the cedar board - it was very good!
Emmy is doing pretty well but we are having a heck of a time getting her to take her medicine! But we had a better night. Today we have dinner at the Markell's. It's nice to have such great neighbors! We are meeting our neighbors that live next door as the husband leaves for his second tour of duty on Tuesday. Then I think we have to go get a new carseat and a little stroller for Mexico!!