Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well we recently got back from Lutsen. Emmy was so good on the car rides and while there. She played with Cameron, well they kind of played - they just looked at each other for the most part. :) Brad got in a lot of skiing and I got to hang out with the girls. And I took a lot of naps! Emmy has been getting up between 4 and 5 for about the last 3 weeks now and it's starting to wear on me even though I have been trying to go to bed early. We also stopped in Duluth and saw Auntie Alicia and Uncle Dennis. Dennis made us my favorite authentic Korean dish- Bulgoga. I loooooove it!!!

So we got back Monday to find pink nail polish all over the seems our dog is much more talented than I ever realized. He not only is able to reach into top bathoom cabinets to get it down, he also can unscrew tops and without thumbs mind you, paint his nails! But in the process he also painted the floor, the rug, the carpet and a pillow on the couch....somehow I think he didnt do this alone and I'm leaning towards another male who's name starts with M and ends with elander....

Today we are taking Emmy to the doctor. Her tummy troubles are getting worse and she goes from really happy to crying out in pain. We have an abdomen xray scheduled so we can hopefully get to the bottom of this. She still isnt regular and now I think she may also have acid reflux but I cannot stand to see her in pain anymore!

On a positive note Emmy can now sit up by herself for quite a long time and talks more than ever. It is so much fun to be her mom!

This weekend she gets to see her Grandpa Nelson who just got back from Iraq. She hasn't seen him since she was about 2 months old. And she gets to see the other Grandma Spreiter and of course Grandma and Grandpa Savage - it's been over a week so she misses them too!

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