Thursday, November 12, 2009

Obviously Emmy is Advanced

Well I leave for work and what happens, according to Brad, Emmy can now walk. I knew I could possibly miss her first steps :( but I didnt think it could happen so soon! I tried to get a picture but Brad had to help her because she was tired from all that walking by the time I got there. Shoot - she seems to have a lot of firsts with Daddy!
Back at work is going okay but I think I came back at the absolute worst possible time. It's absolutely crazy because of the upcoming Holiday so you can see- I'm working hard! (updating the blog!)
Emmy has been with the nanny (Kari) twice now and is doing very well. Her and Hannah are getting along very well and hopefully will grow up to be GREAT friends like Brad and Lauren were. I'm doing okay but it is hard. Brad tells Emmy mommy goes to work so we can take you to Disney World one day. I guess that makes me feel a little better. :)
Okay, now I really do need to get to work!
Hope everyone is well!
-The Savages

1 comment:

  1. She can walk??? Isn't she just a few months old?

    Good luck with work. It's never easy to be away from the little ones, but at least it'll pay off somehow.

    I love that we've gotten back in touch again, and I love the updates on your little girl :)
