Well Emmy and Brad visited Dr. Hanson yesterday. We were worried about Emmy's hernia. It was looking really red and kind of bruised. But the doc said it looks normal, the red are blood vessels and sometimes it takes up to 2 years for the hole under her belly button to close up. So she is going to keep us guessing on whether it will go in or stay out. She was weighed again, 13 lbs 4 oz. And everything else is GREAT. I asked Brad to ask about the H1N1 virus as I knew they had gotten some vaccines in. His words were - we are not getting that. Well an hour later, he had his shot! I guess one parent gets to have it and although he was telling me we werent getting it, he was first in line for his! :) Gotta love our doc though, she snuck one in for him during Emmy's appt and I guess the receptionist was not too pleased! She told him she would give me mine at her 4 month check up.
I'm sitting here waiting for Brad to get home so I can get to work. I am supposed to drop Emmy off at Lauren's but someone forgot to take the carseat base out of his car. Soooo I hope I'm not late for my meeting! It's a doozy one too.
Here are some new pics of our sweet sweet girl. We have been bouncing her in the bouncer - she LOVES it. Talks and her eyes get huge and she starts waving her arms all over like she cannot believe all the stuff to look at!
LOVE her!!! Glad that Brad had to get the shot!!