Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Finally feeling better

It's been a rough start to the week - Emmy got another double ear infection and this one was a real doozy. But finally finally she slept better last night thank GOD. I was starting to doze off at work and my brain stopped working Monday afternoon. Not so good for work. She is on a stronger medicine. Amoxycillin with a kick. It seems to be doing the trick but she really really hates taking it. We have to pry her mouth open and force it in and she always gets her tongue in there and spits it right back out. I'm hoping some is getting in there at least!
Otherwise Emmy is doing wonderfully. She new enjoys trying to pull herself up. If you sit her on your lap next to the couch she will pull herself up and thinks that is pretty major! Yesterday we took a walk with the whole Markell clan but she only made it 1/2 the way in the stroller so I had to carry her home. Luckily I had the Baby Bjorn. She smiled the rest of the way home as soon as she got her way. She knows how to get what she wants already from me which could be trouble!
We are going to have my side of the family over for Easter. It will be fun to see the cousins. My little neice Anna is hilarious. She spent Monday afternoon flipping through the JCrew catalog looking at shoes and yesterday wouldnt take off my sister's winter hat because she said it's the fashion. (She is about 2 1/2)
My computer is being silly so I cant post a picture at the moment but will when I get a chance. Emmy is getting SO BiG!

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