Wednesday, March 10, 2010

were back!

We had a great time, and after 2 long days in the airport we are all home...long story but our first flight was cancelled after a tire was blown out and they couldn't replace it... Emmy did great - loved the sunshine and being naked. Every where we went people pointed and said how cute she was. Even the airline stewardess wanted to steal her even though she had a bit of crying during the flight. They had a name for her - baby dumpling. The trip was a lot of fun, lots of time on the beach and pool, we took a trip to a fishing island which was cute, spent some time at Wet and Wild, went shopping and just relaxed. But after the long flight home Brad said our next vacation will be at Wisconsin Dells! ;)
Here are some pics -
Emmy made sure to read the safety manual before taking off on her very first flight!
This is Erma- she cooked and cleaned up after us all week. She was so sweet - she didnt know much English but every morning ran to Emmy and said Hola Baby - she loved her!! Had to have all her other friends come over and see the "chubby American baby".

Emmy was so happy being outside - this was her first sunset over the ocean...

And this was her first time on the beach feeling the sand and water. She didn't love this so much as it was pretty windy for her - but she sure was cute!

Very tuckered out after full days of excitement. She will be so bored now that she is home!

Our lovely little lady at the water park. Such a trooper!

here are two vidoes of the beach - and emmy saying her first words, dadda, ignore my ugliness, it was early morning...

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