Sunday, May 30, 2010

Emmy's pool...or Winston's big water dish

it's been so hot so we are trying to partake in lot of water activities. friday emmy and i went down to the beach and she splashed as the waves came up on shore.
friday night i bought her a water table. and it was so much fun to sit and play- but that only lasted so long before she was begging to get in. and since she fit, why not?

what a happy baby. winston was jealous and wished he could get in too...
everytime i take emmy to her closet to get dressed she pulls on this dress so i let her wear it. she likes the bright colors.

saturday i found myself in the attic of the garage pulling down the little pool. what was once Winston's pool is now emersons, although winston did try to get in ...
this is the closest Brad has ever gotten to helping give Emmy a bath... and yes, we decided since she was already wet and I was just too tired from being sick, that this would be a great time for a bath.

i think she enjoyed it!

1 comment:

  1. I love your site, Jody - you have such a cute little family! :) Emmy is absolutely adorable! So glad we've gotten in touch again so I can follow along as she continues to grow up. XOXO
