Saturday, July 31, 2010

she's a boat girl

2 hour nap on the floor of the boat...Ron & Paula - do you mind if we start sleeping overnight on your boat?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

the perfect storm

why is it that when one thing demands a lot of your attention, all of the sudden everything does? work has been probably the worst week in awhile, sales are rough so i have been pulled into every meeting under the sun and i feel like i'm drowing in to do's from those meetings.
emmy hasnt slept in 3 nights now because of teething and now i'm wondering if she is getting an ear infection. the poor dear had her roughest night last night - she would just wake up screaming and finally was up for good at about 10 to 5 this morning. when i finally looked in a mirror this morning my shoulder was covered in blood from her gums i assume because she had been biting my shoulder all night. ibuprofin doesnt seem to help the poor girl. her top tooth did pop through this morning so i hope we can all get a little relief now.
and of course brad was out of town at an air show in osh kosh so i was on duty alone.
cant wait for the weekend to hopefully get a nap in!
on a positive note - saw the Artisensi's last weekend and little Henry -
Lisa took this picture - I love how Emmy has her leg on Henry as if to say "he's mine" day she's probably going to be mad that she wasnt wearing a shirt but i'm loving her rolls!

Monday, July 26, 2010

not a typical Monday

Carol (daycare) had to attend a funeral today so em got to spend the day at home with me. we got up super early (5am) because i think her tooth is bothering her. the top one is now starting to poke through. she took a great nap this morning but this afternoon she was not feeling well so we swung in the hammock while i hummed to her and played with her hair for about an hour before she closed her eyes and now she's sleeping soundly yet again. such a sweet girl. here are some pictures from the other day and this morning. she's having a lot of fun feeding herself - and especially loves pasta. i weighed her this morning - 20.8 pounds. right on track.
still holding on to those rolls. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

small things

as i get closer and closer to emmy's first birthday i have been doing a lot of reflecting. a year ago i was scared and excited to meet her. and then shortly after she was born i was doubting i would be able to do this parenting thing. she cried so much and didnt sleep and i felt like i was doing everything wrong....but now almost one year later i kind of feel like i'm starting to get the hang of being a mother. and she's so perfect in everyway. each day she does something new and her personality is starting to unfold. i see both brad and i in her....stubborness, humor, determination, a little bit of a temper, and sooo loving. (you can decide which traits belong to whom) i'm really starting to enjoy this ride and am finding myself paying attention more to the small things - i think kids kind of force you to slow down and look around...

i love how she crosses her feet - like such a little lady
it's funny how something so small, like a little pair of shoes can really change your world - because of the little feet that wear them.

a little bit of grumpy

and strong will
she's the best parts of brad and i and i cannot help but admire her everyday for the little girl she is becoming....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


little ms. emerson told me hi about 100 times last night. it was her new word i guess. pretty cute. then we went outside and she sat in her adirondack chair and waved bye at all of the cars driving by. it was pretty cute. everytime she would see a car she would wave. we got a few honks. :) that is what she does in the mornings when brad goes to work - she waves bye bye. she's getting so smart. and she likes to say yep - emmy are you done eating - "yep", emmy should we go for a walk - "yep", emmy are you tired- "yep". i doubt she really understands what she is saying but it's pretty cute that she answers everything with a yep...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Trip to the Minnesota Zoo

well the zoo was a big hit but we only made it halfway before the kids were exhausted and all ready for a we'll have to make a return trip maybe this winter to visit all the indoor exhibits...biggest hit was the little water park. Emmy got right in there and wanted to get as wet as possible, and well I also got wet in the process. Good thing we had a change of clothes, Guess I should have stripped her down beforehand!

loved the tractor ride!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

in 30 short days....

i will have a one year old. wow. happy 11 month's my sweets. this year has been amazing. mommy loves you. even though she's sad, she looks so darn cute. darn tooth - working on #3...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

evening swim

nothing better than walking down to the lake with your family and great friends who happen to be your neighbors, for a little evening swim. we are so lucky to live where we do.

emmy especially loved the wagon ride. hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

good thing she's cute

we are working on tooth number 2 and had a better night last night with only one rough spot but she was quickly back to sleep with the help of some baby ibuprofin...
but tantrums are in FULL swing! wow! this girl does NOT like to wear clothes. as soon as I get her out of the bath she crawls/scoots as fast as she can away from me before I can even get a diaper on her. and when I catch her she is furious! she throws her head back and screams and then if she can she will bang her head on the floor, wall - or anything she can, and pounds her little hands on the floor while yelling her baby language at me. and it's not just me - daddy cant dress her either. oh boy oh boy, this hopefully will soon pass as i'm pretty sure she's going to have to wear clothes.
but she sure is cute!

she looks like such a big girl in the last one with the look on her face. half proud of herself and half contemplating her next move.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

shiny new tooth

it was a very rough night - havent had a night like that since we were dealing with her milk allergy a long time ago. but, this morning she had a shiny new white tooth to show for her pain. it's on the bottom right side of her mouth. i'm so proud!
here are some pictures from our long 4th of July weekend loves her grandpa savage
always wants to be standing
not sure what to think of the sparkler....or maybe she's unsure about the coffee table in the middle of our driveway?

this is what she does now when she's tired. lays herself down

suprisingly this necklace didnt bother her and she wore it all evening.

she loves to play with her jewelry box but always pulls the dancing ballerina off when she starts to spin. something about the little ballerina drives her nuts.