Thursday, July 8, 2010

good thing she's cute

we are working on tooth number 2 and had a better night last night with only one rough spot but she was quickly back to sleep with the help of some baby ibuprofin...
but tantrums are in FULL swing! wow! this girl does NOT like to wear clothes. as soon as I get her out of the bath she crawls/scoots as fast as she can away from me before I can even get a diaper on her. and when I catch her she is furious! she throws her head back and screams and then if she can she will bang her head on the floor, wall - or anything she can, and pounds her little hands on the floor while yelling her baby language at me. and it's not just me - daddy cant dress her either. oh boy oh boy, this hopefully will soon pass as i'm pretty sure she's going to have to wear clothes.
but she sure is cute!

she looks like such a big girl in the last one with the look on her face. half proud of herself and half contemplating her next move.

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