Wednesday, July 7, 2010

shiny new tooth

it was a very rough night - havent had a night like that since we were dealing with her milk allergy a long time ago. but, this morning she had a shiny new white tooth to show for her pain. it's on the bottom right side of her mouth. i'm so proud!
here are some pictures from our long 4th of July weekend loves her grandpa savage
always wants to be standing
not sure what to think of the sparkler....or maybe she's unsure about the coffee table in the middle of our driveway?

this is what she does now when she's tired. lays herself down

suprisingly this necklace didnt bother her and she wore it all evening.

she loves to play with her jewelry box but always pulls the dancing ballerina off when she starts to spin. something about the little ballerina drives her nuts.

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