i think most mother's can relate but the other day when i looked over at emmy it just hit me like a ton of bricks. she is no longer a little helpless baby. she has grown into a little person and i dont even know when it happened. she is looking more and more grown up and i'm so enjoying every day the new things to discover about her -
now she tries to say up when she lifts up her hands to get picked up
she tries to say thank you (believe it or not) when she hands you things - because i always say thank you when she holds out stuff for me.
she gives open mouthed wet kisses if you ask her for one
as soon as you turn your head she races for the closest stairs to climb up
in the morning when she wakes up i bring her into my bed and we stretch together. she thinks its funny when i raise her hands above her head and pull her legs straight out too.
if she is bored or wants to go outside she will wave bye bye
she now also waves hello on occasion
when daddy and winston come home from work she starts laughing hysterically and tries to hide
she loves attention. she is a complete goofball.
and the good news is the next 2 weeks i will get to spend more time than ever with her because my daycare lady is taking the next 2 weeks off which she failed to tell me until monday which is also the bad news because it has completely stressed me out on how i'm going to get to my work meetings and still have her watched and getting her naps. but on the bright side, there is no one i would rather spend my days with.
here are some pictures from yesterday.