Friday, August 6, 2010

very first trip to the park!

well i made a spur of the moment trip to northfield this morning to see my sister and nieces...and she was both shocked and appalled that i had never taken emmy to the off to the park we went. and emmy had a blast! she loved the tunnels but her favorite was going down the slide. of course she was in my lap but she would get the most scared look on her face but then when it was over get a huge smile. so looks like we will be making repeat trips to the park. but why is it that it always feels about 10 degrees hotter at the park?? thanks for the fun day girls but now i'm exhausted!! big day for the 2 footer.

we are heading to st. cloud in the morning for my cousins wedding. it's going to be a big weekend for this little one. and to cap it off we will be celebrating her first birthday a week early with my family followed by the savage family the following week. wow, time flies!

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