Tuesday, August 31, 2010

where is the PAUSE button

i have always been a bit of a procrastinator and always need a solid deadline to get me moving - well i have a very big deadline coming up and am starting to feel the pressure. brad and i are leaving for italy in less than 2 weeks and i am EXCITED and NERVOUS! i wish i could bring little emmy with us but the long plane ride and time change would put the 3 footer over the edge. so with that i have been trying to wean, and trying to get myself okay with the fact that i wont get to snuggle, smell her or kiss her for almost 10 days. am i going to make it? a part of me just wishes this was all over and we could get back to our regular schedule. i know she will be in GREAT hands with gma and gpa savage but oh IT'S GOING TO BE SO HARD! i just feel like i need a little more time - i'm sure it will be good for brad and i but it is especially hard that i havent even been away from her for a night. yikes! we are going to have to have a trial night away and see how that goes.
GG is back for the 2nd week and Emmy was so happy to see her. but of course as soon as i came home she was very crabby. but she is sleeping like a champ - let's hope it continues! last night i only went in once at 2am and she slept until 6:15 - tonight though she was exhausted and is already sleeping and it's only 6pm so i'm hoping that she is still going to make it until 6am. i'm not sure if she's teething, is having a growth spurt or doesn't feel well but she has been tired a lot lately!
we even went to the state fair and she fell asleep in the stroller. what a trooper! here are some pics from the other day -

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