for the last few nights emmy has been so sweet - she lays in bed with us and drinks her bottle and cuddles while daddy watches the office. she gives him kisses and pokes me in the nose and then when she's tired she tells us night night. so i pick her up and put her in her crib where she gives me a kiss and says night night again.. then she rolls over and closes her eyes. i come back to our room and brad and i turn on the monitor and listen to her sing herself to sleep - she usually just hums or sings night night over and over until she's out. so sweet. makes my heart melt. she's been soo good and has been sleeping really well. we have the best little girl...
she's learned a few new words at daycare - she now says pretty but says peety instead...and she likes to say no no jake. (jake is a little boy at daycare :)) and of course she points at everything and says what's that so then you tell her. she loves that. this morning we got up and she came into bed with me to watch the morning news and she said over and over dadda dadda and looked under the pillows on his side of the bed looking for him. he was flying but it was so sweet that emmy wanted to say good morning to her daddy. it's so much fun watching her grow up - she now loves to dance. still isnt walking - is very cautious but yesterday after our walk she pushed her bike around the yard for a good hour happy as can be. here are some pictures of her recently...