Thursday, September 2, 2010

i miss my emmy!

well i'm kind of embarrassed to say that tonight is the very first night i have been away from emmy - we are doing a practice run with gma and gpa savage as we are supposed to go to italy in less than a week and wanted to make sure everything goes okay with her spending the night over there. sounds like she went to sleep very easily with no issues but i'm soooo nervous for the rest of the night. i hope she is a good girl!!! and boy oh boy do i miss her! i never thought i would miss her crying and screaming and waking up at all hours of the night, but i do. the house seems so quiet without her. how am i going to make it being away from her next week??
changing gears - gg has left us once again but we were so happy to have her here watching emmy while daycare was closed for the last 2 weeks. emmy just adores her gg and i got to capture a few pictures of gg with 2 of her favorite people. it was so good to have you GG! hope to see you soon!!!

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