Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New blog

Sorry if you have been checking this blog -
I have a new blog so will no longer be using this one - please keep up to date on the happenings of my little family now from:

Monday, May 23, 2011

some more pictures from the weekend

Lifestyle Photography Homework Week 1

I wanted to try this again this evening but again my life has gotten in the way and it looks like I will have to use my images from this weekend instead - I was unhappy with some of the detail shots being a little bit blurry. - perhaps that is because i went a little aperture happy with my new prime lens and had my aperture set to 1.4 - do you take most of your pictures at 2.8 Brooke?
I chose my daughter coloring as an example of a series of images showing conflict. My shot list included close ups of the crayons, her little feet or hands, my parents OLD dog watching her color - and then the determination on her little face.

this picture is really more for my parents - he is about 150 and I swear has 9 lives, but he was content watching my daughter color and she really LOVES him!

and now for the main character -

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

spring has sprung

what a beautiful night - i have been waiting for this weather for a long time...and it's here and we are not missing a moment of it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

a few more shots

I took these for a photography assignment for a class I'm taking -

wasn't a big fan of the fur - maybe she's a future member of PETA?

a few images from the weekend

mother's day brunch - emmy insisted on carrying around her purse - (paula's glasses case) - she now must have a "purse" everytime we go into a store - today when she woke up her first words to me were - HI Jody! Can we go to target?

after her nap emmy ventured outside in a bright skirt and orange shoes with no socks - but then the sun went in a cloud and she ran back inside to dress more appropriately - mittens and rain boots of course.

it was a great weekend - lots of sunshine and getting to be outside.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

a dadda and his daughter

is there anything sweeter than a daddy and his daughter -

the sun came out and we hit the beach - it was a nice evening....finally.

Monday, April 25, 2011

finally a new post! Easter

first off - here is the "teepee/tent" brad and i built for emerson in her room, not finished decorating it but it's up yumm. jelly beans

all gone - i want more!

highlight of her day - umm maybe not. but she did spend the rest of brunch keeping that easter bunny in her sights....and at a safe distance.

still not a fan.

practicing her "shot put"

lynsey and gauge

i'll try to post more often on here - got away from it for awhile but with a new baby on the way i guess i better find a place to post photos!

Monday, January 24, 2011

mommy's little helper

emmy has gone from my baby to my little girl over night - seeing our new nephew Gauge - makes her look huge- and she is FINALLY walking! and we bought her a big girl bed over the weekend. it makes me excited and sad to think about that. she now likes to "help" with everything! her favorite things to help with are throwing her dirty diapers in her diaper pail - problem is she has so much fun doing that, that she doesn't stop there - i have found her socks, clean diapers and her little ballerinas from her jewelry box also amongst the dirty, smelly diapers. not a fun chore to fish them out. but she is my little helper and it gives her such joy to help me out.

we are finally coming to the end of our month of sickness. emmy is back to herself and brad feels better too - problem is that his infected ear turned into a ruptured ear drum and now he cannot fly for 2 weeks due to the air pressure in the cockpit... so he is stuck at home. i will be sooo glad when spring is here and we can get outside!

Monday, January 17, 2011

the stomach flu & pneumonia

it has been a very rough week - emmy got the stomach bug last saturday and was so sick we had to take her to children's hospital where they gave her an IV of fluids to get her to stop throwing up and help her with her dehydration- pretty scary. well she stopped throwing up but wasnt herself and developed a nasty cough so i took her back to the doctor and found out she had pneumonia now. uugh. poor baby- so she has been on antibiotics for 5 days now and is finally acting like herself again. i will post pictures hopefully in the next few days but here is one at my sisters - we were having our family christmas when she got the flu. you can tell in the picture she isnt feeling very well. and then she started throwing up right after. it was a nasty bug because she gave it to her daddy, 2 uncles, 2 cousins, 2 aunts, and her grandma and grandpa. i didnt get it because i had the flu about 3 weeks earlier so i'm thinking it was the same bug. poor baby!

and in other news - we have a new nephew/cousin - Gauge Stone Savage was born on grandpa Ron's birthday 1/13 - i still havent gotten to meet him due to emmy being sick and now brad having a cold again. we hope to meet him finally on friday.

looks a lot like bobby and i hear he does have his dimples. :)

and emmy is finally walking. she still prefers to crawl but she can definitely walk. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

baby #2 and christmas

rosy cheeks
got out the baby bjorn for baby jack but i guess she wasnt quite done with it

teething and having a cold is no fun at all

em got a new kitchen for christmas - she loves opening and closing the doors

and even though she was sick she still was off the charts in cuteness

baby #2 - ultrasound today 9 weeks, heart beating 180 bpm, and there is only one in there thank goodness. due date august 8, 2011

and as if one blog wasnt enough i have created another one:
because i'm trying to take one picture a day for a year and then at the end make a book of it and save it for my children. just to record the little things...