it has been a very rough week - emmy got the stomach bug last saturday and was so sick we had to take her to children's hospital where they gave her an IV of fluids to get her to stop throwing up and help her with her dehydration- pretty scary. well she stopped throwing up but wasnt herself and developed a nasty cough so i took her back to the doctor and found out she had pneumonia now. uugh. poor baby- so she has been on antibiotics for 5 days now and is finally acting like herself again. i will post pictures hopefully in the next few days but here is one at my sisters - we were having our family christmas when she got the flu. you can tell in the picture she isnt feeling very well. and then she started throwing up right after. it was a nasty bug because she gave it to her daddy, 2 uncles, 2 cousins, 2 aunts, and her grandma and grandpa. i didnt get it because i had the flu about 3 weeks earlier so i'm thinking it was the same bug. poor baby!

and in other news - we have a new nephew/cousin - Gauge Stone Savage was born on grandpa Ron's birthday 1/13 - i still havent gotten to meet him due to emmy being sick and now brad having a cold again. we hope to meet him finally on friday.

looks a lot like bobby and i hear he does have his dimples. :)
and emmy is finally walking. she still prefers to crawl but she can definitely walk. :)
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