Monday, January 24, 2011

mommy's little helper

emmy has gone from my baby to my little girl over night - seeing our new nephew Gauge - makes her look huge- and she is FINALLY walking! and we bought her a big girl bed over the weekend. it makes me excited and sad to think about that. she now likes to "help" with everything! her favorite things to help with are throwing her dirty diapers in her diaper pail - problem is she has so much fun doing that, that she doesn't stop there - i have found her socks, clean diapers and her little ballerinas from her jewelry box also amongst the dirty, smelly diapers. not a fun chore to fish them out. but she is my little helper and it gives her such joy to help me out.

we are finally coming to the end of our month of sickness. emmy is back to herself and brad feels better too - problem is that his infected ear turned into a ruptured ear drum and now he cannot fly for 2 weeks due to the air pressure in the cockpit... so he is stuck at home. i will be sooo glad when spring is here and we can get outside!

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