Monday, August 31, 2009

Emmy's first road trip

We just got back from visiting Emmy's great grandparents in Hibbing. We had a great time and Emmy is a super traveler! We only had to stop once each way for a break and to eat. And she didnt cry at all. She loves her carseat! Great Grandma Carol - "Gigi" sure had a way with her and with all the singing and rocking I may be in for some trouble in the days ahead!
Here are some pictures from our weekend -

Thursday, August 27, 2009

2 week check-up

Emmy had her 2 week check-up today. Everything looked great. We were worried she was a bit jaundice but the Doctor said it's so minor it will take care of itself on it's own. At birth she weighed 6 lbs and 14 oz - when we left the hospital she was down to 6 lbs 4 oz but today she weighed in at a whopping 7.25 lbs so she is gaining weight and doing well. She was in the 19% weight percentile, the 40% height percentile and the 72% for head circumference....I guess she has a lot of brains!
We are doing well and heading to Hibbing for the weekend so she can meet her Great-grandparents...and I can hopefully get a nap in! Thanks for checking in!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My beautiful girl

Emerson is doing wonderfully. She had a good night last night. I think we could have made it through with only 3 feedings but she had a pretty bad accident at 4am and was all wet so she didnt sleep as long as normal but I think we are all feeling pretty good today and are looking forward to week 2.
Yesterday she had her professional pictures. While they took a very long time I think they were worth it! Check out a sneak peek at:
the first 3 are her- I love them! The rest should be ready in about another 2 weeks!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A week tomorrow!

One week ago I met the most amazing little girl and my whole life changed. I cant believe it's been a week already. Brad and I feel like we are the luckiest people in this world. Emmy is a joy and our little angel. I cant imagine life without her.
She's had a very busy day. She visited Grandma Paula at her office and met everyone there and then went to the boat works for a visit. Afterwards Zoraida and Maria stopped over. No wonder she can barely keep her eyes open this evening. So many people want to visit her. She's a lucky gal!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Little Emmy

I am just in love. She is just the best baby! Never cries, sleeps all the time. Today we took a 2 mile walk in her new stroller. She didnt make a peep. Slept the whole time. And then my Mom and I went and walked around downtown White Bear Lake. Again, not a peep. She is just such a trooper...Here are some new pictures.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 2

No complaints here. Emmy continues to be the BEST baby. She hardly ever cries except when she's hungry or has a poopy diaper - Which Brad is the master at changing! Last night went pretty well. We didnt get much sleep but not because Emmy was crying, just lots of nurses coming in and out to give me medicine and check on me. I am so itchy from the spinal but other than that doing pretty well. It's nap time here so I'm going to take advantage of that. Thanks for checking in!

Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm in love...

All went really well. She was born at 7:55 am, 20 inches, 6 lbs 14 oz. We are both doing very well. I'll post more pictures tomorrow.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nursery Finally...

Well - we are almost done. As done as we are going to get before Emmy's arrival. I'm still waiting on a few pictures for the wall I ordered and a white frame that will hold her first pictures but I think it should work. We are extremely anxious and getting nervous but very excited that we will be holding our little daughter in our arms tomorrow!!!
We will try to keep everyone posted on this blog with pictures. Hopefully I can put some up tomorrow night...if not, for sure on Saturday. Thanks everyone for all your kind words and gestures! Wont be long now. Emmy is excited too. I think she is throwing a going away party for herself in my tummy - she is really moving!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Final days....

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Countdown....7 days

Well, in one week I will be a mom! Doctor's appointment (38 weeks) went well. Emmy is moving a ton, growing well and hasn't moved out of the breech position but that's okay. Next Friday we have to go in at about 5:30am - procedure is at 7:30...I'm so excited but scared too.

I've gone into major shopping mode trying to buy the last minute things for the nursery. I will upload pictures soon. Waiting for a few things to come in the mail. I meant to clean the house today but just too tired. I will do it tomorrow morning first thing!

Brad is taking me out to dinner tonight, probably our last dinner out for awhile! I hope this last 7 days flies by!

Just a note - if anyone wants to visit us at the hospital, I will be there for 3-4 days and they dont let any visitors in between 2-4pm everyday - I guess that is nap time :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

10 day countdown

Well, I survived my 2nd to last Monday at work. It is getting incredibly hard to drag myself in. This morning I was up at about 4am and gave up on sleep so was at work by about 6. Makes for a long day...No wonder I'm so tired and thinking about heading to bed here in about a half hour...

I've been asked to post another picture of my belly. I am huge. I am so ready for the 14th. But if Emmy wants to come earlier fine by me!! She has been SO active lately that I'm constantly trying to push her foot back in as she likes to stick it out so far on my right side it feels like she's going to break through my skin. I'm guessing it's getting a little cramped in there for her.

I will post new pictures of the nursery this weekend hopefully. Just have to buy a few more things to make it complete. My mom, sisters and Dianne threw me a shower last weekend. That was so nice of them. She is going to be one spoiled girl! So we are pretty much ready. Winston is ready too. Every morning before he will follow me downstairs to go outside he has to go into Emerson's room and see if she is in her crib yet. Nope...not yet.