Monday, August 3, 2009

10 day countdown

Well, I survived my 2nd to last Monday at work. It is getting incredibly hard to drag myself in. This morning I was up at about 4am and gave up on sleep so was at work by about 6. Makes for a long day...No wonder I'm so tired and thinking about heading to bed here in about a half hour...

I've been asked to post another picture of my belly. I am huge. I am so ready for the 14th. But if Emmy wants to come earlier fine by me!! She has been SO active lately that I'm constantly trying to push her foot back in as she likes to stick it out so far on my right side it feels like she's going to break through my skin. I'm guessing it's getting a little cramped in there for her.

I will post new pictures of the nursery this weekend hopefully. Just have to buy a few more things to make it complete. My mom, sisters and Dianne threw me a shower last weekend. That was so nice of them. She is going to be one spoiled girl! So we are pretty much ready. Winston is ready too. Every morning before he will follow me downstairs to go outside he has to go into Emerson's room and see if she is in her crib yet. Nope...not yet.

1 comment:

  1. Emmy and you look great! Won't be long now! Can't wait to hold her! Kathy A.
