Thursday, August 27, 2009

2 week check-up

Emmy had her 2 week check-up today. Everything looked great. We were worried she was a bit jaundice but the Doctor said it's so minor it will take care of itself on it's own. At birth she weighed 6 lbs and 14 oz - when we left the hospital she was down to 6 lbs 4 oz but today she weighed in at a whopping 7.25 lbs so she is gaining weight and doing well. She was in the 19% weight percentile, the 40% height percentile and the 72% for head circumference....I guess she has a lot of brains!
We are doing well and heading to Hibbing for the weekend so she can meet her Great-grandparents...and I can hopefully get a nap in! Thanks for checking in!

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