Friday, August 7, 2009

Countdown....7 days

Well, in one week I will be a mom! Doctor's appointment (38 weeks) went well. Emmy is moving a ton, growing well and hasn't moved out of the breech position but that's okay. Next Friday we have to go in at about 5:30am - procedure is at 7:30...I'm so excited but scared too.

I've gone into major shopping mode trying to buy the last minute things for the nursery. I will upload pictures soon. Waiting for a few things to come in the mail. I meant to clean the house today but just too tired. I will do it tomorrow morning first thing!

Brad is taking me out to dinner tonight, probably our last dinner out for awhile! I hope this last 7 days flies by!

Just a note - if anyone wants to visit us at the hospital, I will be there for 3-4 days and they dont let any visitors in between 2-4pm everyday - I guess that is nap time :)


  1. Won't be long now....can't wait!

  2. YAY! Exciting :) I'm so happy for you. If I don't remember to write you before your big day, GOOD LUCK! You'll do great!!!

  3. Brad and Jody,
    Best of luck on Friday! We will be thinking of you!
    Love- Dan, Jane, Jack & Maddie
