Tuesday, June 15, 2010

double digits

Emmy was 10 months old yesterday - ten months....I have managed to keep her alive for 10 months. I'm going to give myself a pat on the back. I cant even keep a plant alive for 10 months let alone a little being. pretty proud of myself -
here are 10 new things with emmy:
1. she likes to feed winston now from her high chair - she especially likes giving him cheese
2. she loves to point and hold up one finger when you ask her how old she is. we are practicing so she will have it figured out by the time we will need this trick
3. she is now holding her own sippy cup and bottle by herself
4. emmy is sleeping like a big girl in her crib - we are still working on sleeping straight through
5. she will whisper if you whisper at her.
6. emmy enjoys a few moments to herself in her crib in the morning when she wakes up - she likes to chat and if she's especially happy, she will turn on her mobile and laugh to herself for a good 10 minutes
7. she must be standing or walking assisted. no longer enjoys sitting or laying really very much
8. loves to be naked. this isnt new but now that it's nice again she's loving it and i'm loving her rolls - yep, havent lost any yet
9. thinks winston is the funniest thing in the world. i have caught him numerous times sticking his tongue in her crib trying to lick her when they are both supposed to be sleeping
10. has finally figured out how to lower herself back down and put herself back to sleep from standing. this one is my favorite. i no longer have to go in and help her get back down when i find her standing up.

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