Monday, June 7, 2010

One year of blogging...

one year ago I started this blog....the whole reason i did was for this little girl
i wanted to be good at trying to capture all the memories for her as she grew - and brad probably thinks i'm insane with all of the pictures, baby books, pregnancy journals, and of course photo albums i have already created for her to have one day. but i just want her to know she is loved more than i can ever explain. and that no, i wasnt the perfect mom, but i tried hard and gave it my best...i dont know if anyone even reads this blog, well i know of 2 people :) but it's really for that one day she can look back and see that she was and always will be the center of my world. i even found a site where you can turn your blogs into a book. so once she gets to one i think i will make a book....and try to do that for every year of her life. because while there are ups and downs, i'd like to try to highlight the ups.

she really is growing up so so fast. and while there are definitely days where i wish i could say make your own breakfast, put yourself to bed, and no, i dont want to read green eggs and ham one more time to you because you like the rhyming - there are definitely days where i cant believe i got to be your mommy. but tonight you better not wake up from 7-9 because mommy has a date with her tv and the bachelorette. :)

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoy your blog. Not a day goes by that I don't look at it. Emmy and Brad couldn’t have a better mother and wife. And let’s not forget about the Savages, we are thrilled you're a member of our tribe!

    Grandma Paula
