Monday, June 21, 2010

it's okay to cry over spilt milk

hanging out with her friend Cam who turned 1 today! Happy birthday Cam Cam

and yes i am holding my own bottle now

not gonna lie, today has been a rough day. emmy hasnt been napping or sleeping well and by about 6:30 this morning i handed her to her daddy. i thought maybe it was her ears and took her to the doctor but nope. ears are good which for me was a good thing but a bad thing too - if that's not it, what in the world is i continually get up with her 5 or 6 times a night everytime she makes a peep. yep, she has me trained. uugh. back to square one again i'm afraid. so when i tipped over my bottle of milk, yep, that's just the way this day has been going. but yes, i have been reasurred, you have your good days and your bad days...but she makes it all worth it in the end. just hope she decides to give her mommy a break soon. because daddy has been getting an earful! sorry brad - thank god you are so laid back.

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